Sunday 14 April 2013

What a turkey

My husband, John, teaches Special Education.  At Christmas his department had a Festive Dinner with all the classes, and John contributed turkey.  However, he did not factor in how long it would take a frozen turkey to thaw, so the original turkey that he bought was brought home, and fresh turkey was cooked at school.  Last week I decided it was high time to roast that turkey, so I put it in the fridge to thaw, and a couple of days later opened up the package to make sure it was ready to be cooked, at long last.  I did not see what I expected to see:
Is that what YOU expected to see?  Okay.  Either I did not understand John when he explained what was in the bag that he was putting in the freezer, or he did not understand what the Educational Assistants were saying who handed him the bag to bring home.  [When John arrived home later that day it was determined that the latter condition was true.]  Further prodding and investigation revealed not one, but two turkey carcasses in there.

Turkey Frame Soup it is!  Fortunately it was still early enough in the day to produce some french bread to go with the soup.  The only photo of the bread in question is abstract; use your imagination.
Yes, there is dough rising under that tea towel.  And yes, of course I meant to include a shadow of my hands holding my phone.  This is high art, indeed.

At any rate, I found enough odds and ends of vegetables lurking in my fridge to make a fine soup.
 Why did I wait so long to buy a good stock pot?  Ridiculous!

In the end, the final product was so delicious that I forgot to take any photos.  But rest assured that I doubled the batch, and there is now soup in the freezer where the bag with the label "utility turkey" used to be...

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